The award-winning documentary “Left Alone Rhapsody” shares the amazing story of internationally renowned pianist John Bayless. In 2008, after a 30-year career as a composer and recording artist, John suffered a debilitating stroke that paralyzed his right side. With passion and determination, he transcended that loss by learning to play and perform with just his left hand. “Left Alone Rhapsody” inspired the University of Pittsburgh Brain Institute to partner with the filmmakers to create the John Bayless Fund for Brain Research in support of vital neuroscience efforts that will help people living with stroke and other brain conditions overcome challenges, recover function, and regain their dreams. By donating to The John Bayless Fund for Brain Research you are not only investing in the advancement of scientific knowledge, but also accelerating revolutionary breakthroughs that could have a profound impact on healthcare in general. 

Please support this effort. To contribute:

1.     Click here to donate to The John Bayless Fund for Brain Research  

2.     To learn more about donating or hosting an event.

3.     For more information about research on stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, ALS or other brain-based diseases,  contact us.


For more information about The University of Pittsburgh Brain Institute


After his stroke, John’s passion to continue playing led him to discover a way to adapt—to learn to compose and perform music with only his non-dominant left hand. His persistence, passion, and determination to transcend the limitations imposed by his stroke, have led him back to the stage, where he continues to perform as a pianist, composer, and storyteller—much to the delight of his many adoring fans.

The question is: How?  What happens in a person’s brain that allows this kind of transcendence? 

The award-winning feature documentary film “Left Alone Rhapsody” asks that question and provides some insight.

Film is a powerful medium and its potential to both entertain and to educate and enlighten is the basis for the collaboration between John Bayless and filmmaker, Stewart Schulman, the creators of “Left Alone Rhapsody,” and the University of Pittsburgh Brain Institute.  In their united desire to support advances in brain science—envisioning a future in which the mysteries of the brain are solved—they have joined forces and launched The John Bayless Fund for Brain Research

John's courage in sharing his remarkable inspiring life story, and Stewart’s passionate recounting of it, in “Left Alone Rhapsody,” has highlighted the need for more research. Through nationwide screenings of the film, with performances by John Bayless, and panel discussions with renowned neurologists—funds are being raised for research that will in time lead to a deeper understanding of the root causes of various brain disorders and injuries—thus transforming the landscape of neuroscience and improving the lives of countless individuals.

Please support THE FUND and help us make that difference!